

在圣. 365比分网电竞, academic subjects are organized by schools, 哪些是由程序组成的, 部门及地区.

St. 爱德华大学学校:

  • 艺术与人文学院
  • 行为与社会科学学院
  • 人类发展与教育学院
  • 自然科学学院
  • 比尔·蒙迪商学院

研究生 programs are offered within the university’s schools.


  • The Biology program is offered by the 自然科学学院.
  • The MBA program is offered by 比尔·蒙迪商学院.
  • The Department of History is within the 行为与社会科学学院.
  • The Art area coordinator organized the exhibit.

The word “program” is not capitalized, except in these cases:

  • 学术咨询和支持项目
  • 校友和家长项目
  • 大学援助移民计划(CAMP)
  • 伙伴计划
  • 富布赖特项目
  • 荣誉项目

 Administrative offices within the university are not referred to as departments:

  • “Marketing Office” instead of “Marketing Department”
  • “Office of Residence Life” instead of “Department of Residence Life”

Capitalize the official names of offices, otherwise, lowercase:

  • 联系 the Office of 入学 for an application.
  • Pick up an application at the admission office.

Note: Our university style spells “admission” as singular: “入学” not “入学s”

教师, Adjunct instructor, Professor, PhD

  • “教师” refers to the entire instructional staff. 它需要一个单数动词. 它的复数形式是院系.” When referring to an individual, use the phrase “faculty member.” When referring to a group of individuals numbering less than the entire faculty, 使用“教员”这个短语.”
    •  圣?. 爱德华大学享有很高的声誉.
    • Several faculty members will join the planning committee.
  • 使用“兼职讲师”," not "的修饰语,” “adjunct teacher” or other variations for non-contracted full-time faculty.
  • Likewise, use “postdoctoral associates” for instructors with this title. Commas precede and follow academic degrees, and designations:
    • Gary Morris, PhD, is dean of the 自然科学学院.
    • Judith Smith, CPA, will consult on the new budget.
  • 使用“教授”而不是“博士”.和“博士”.”
  • When not using “professor,” use “PhD” over “Dr.”
  • Capitalize “Professor” when it precedes a name:
    • 苏珊·琼斯教授收到了她的补助金.
  • Capitalize “Professor” and program name when it precedes a name:
    • 苏珊·琼斯,圣乔治大学教授. 爱德华的,得到了她的资助.
  • Lowercase “professor” and capitalize program name when they follow a name:
    • David Smith, professor of Psychology, teaches a course in childhood behavior.
    • John Smith, associate professor of Digital Media Management at St. 爱德华的, explains how the school’s digital media programs originated.
    • Marie Diaz, postdoctoral teaching associate in Chemistry, will lead the discussion.














使用“全美第一阵容”,除非是在某人的名字前面, as in “First-Team 全美洲的 Joe Buck” (notice the “n” added for that instance).

Do not capitalize “honorable mention” when referring to:

  •  Daktronics honorable mention 美国所有 (treat the same as first-team)

Use “conference championship,” unless it’s the same occurrence as above (i.e. 会议冠军街. 爱德华的).

Use title case when a conference’s proper name is used (i.e. 本周最佳投手, 中部联盟最佳阵容, 中部联盟冠军).

体育运动 teams aren’t capitalized, as in men’s tennis team or women’s basketball team.

However, if the team has an actual name, capitalize it (i.e. ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District Team).

All women’s athletics programs are referred to as “women’s” teams, never “girls” or “ladies” teams.

Students who play sports are referred to as “student-athletes.”

从2019年秋季开始,St. 爱德华的 will compete in NCAA Division II as a member of the Lone Star Conference.


央行对. RBIs – Run(s) Batted In (singular or plural use determined by editorial context)

Student-athletes may be referred to by their class (freshman, 二年级学生, 初级, senior) instead of by their graduation year as classification can differ from expected graduation.

  • Freshman Blake Blackwood won the day for the Hilltoppers.

体育运动对. 运动

  • “运动” is an adjective describing one’s physical ability.
  • “体育运动” is a noun describing the training and practice of sports activities.

在大多数情况下,关于大学副本, “竞技”是正确的说法, whether referring to Hilltopper athletics or to the athletics banquet.

Refer to the program as “体育运动” or “St. 365比分网电竞 体育运动” (capitalize when referring to the entity as a whole).

Do not capitalize if referring to “Hilltopper athletics,“男子田径。,” “women’s athletics” or “varsity athletics.”

Most variations on “Hilltopper” are acceptable (i.e. Hilltopper baseball, Hilltopper basketball).


只在体育写作中, the University of Texas is abbreviated to “UT” and UT–Austin is referred to as “Texas.” All other UT branches should be listed with city location. For example: UT–Arlington; UT–Permian Basin; UT–Dallas.

When writing about tournaments or competitions, use “4 on 4” instead of “4 v. “4”或“4对4”.”

The school colors “blue and gold” are not capitalized in a sentence.